Attila vs rome 2
Attila vs rome 2

attila vs rome 2

The decision found parts of EU law weren't compatible with Poland's constitutional law, challenging the legal framework of the EU. Most recently the European Commission confirmed it would be taking legal action and could look at financial measures and potentially suspend voting rights after a ruling from Poland's constitutional tribunal. Both Hungary and Poland have faced legal action in Europe's highest court over issues linked to LGBT+ rights and judicial independence.

attila vs rome 2

Talk of national sovereignty comes off the back of growing tensions between Brussels, Budapest and close ally Warsaw. The Hungarian government has insisted the law is about child protection and that parents should have control over what their children are exposed to, saying the rights of Hungarian parents are under attack along with Hungary's sovereignty. The law brought in earlier this year has led to the EU launching legal action. Hungary's anti-LGBT+ law bans the display and promotion of homosexuality and gender change to under 18s and has been condemned for linking paedophilia with homosexuality. Le Pen told the media that she was looking for allies to fight for sovereignty and not for clones when asked if she supported the Hungarian government's recent anti-LGBT+ legislation – she turned the conversation around to talk about migration instead. It comes after Hungary's Fidesz party quit the center-right European People's Party (EPP) in the European Parliament back in March. Orban told the media he is seeking new partners within the EU, pointing to the far-right Rassemblement National party as a possible ally and a party he sees as supporter of Hungary.

attila vs rome 2

They also stood firm on migration, speaking out against multiculturalism, and keeping borders closed to stop the cultural identities of European countries changing. Delivering statements after the meeting in Budapest the pair stood united on messages of national sovereignty, pushing back against what they see as the centralization of the European Union (EU).

attila vs rome 2

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has met with French far-right leader Marine Le Pen on Tuesday.

Attila vs rome 2